
MHW Iceborne | How strong are 4 Zombies?

MHW Iceborne | How strong are 4 Zombies? When we get hit by Effluvium, it turns us into Zombies, called "Zombification".
On top of continuous health regeneration, Zombification comes with the natural Rocksteady effect which makes us immune to knockback as long as we're in Zombie mode. Essentially we have an infinite Rocksteady mantle without even wearing one.
So this video was the perfect opportunity to check out how powerful 4 Rocksteady Zombies are with the HBG Wyvernsnipe clutch claw attack. This move in combination with the Velkhana set bonus "Frostcraft" could deal quite a lot of damage. Health regen augmentations don't work when you're a Zombie. Only natural recovery, but the best part, as Zombie you can't use any items so with this strategy your item consumption is on ZERO.

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MH3 - Tundra Battle Theme

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