How to Tell Teasing and Bullying Apart? Responding to Bullying
Tell someone. If you’re a kid, tell a trusted adult. This might be a parent, guardian, teacher, friend’s parent, or babysitter. Say what you’re feeling and what’s going on with the bully. They should listen to you and support you. They may even help you find ways to solve problems about your bully. Ask the adult for help in what to do. If a child comes to you for help, think about possible solutions. If the bullying is happening at school, for example, tell the teacher or principal. Offer support and say, “I’m sorry this is happening to you. Nobody should be treating you this way.”
--------- CONTENTS ---------
00:04 Tell someone
00:36 Say something
01:07 See a counselor
--------- CC LICENSE --------
Creative Commons license: Tell-Teasing-and-Bullying-Apart (wikihow & authors)
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