How to Convert Percents, Fractions, and Decimals? Converting numbers between percents, fractions, and decimals is a necessary basic math skill. The concepts are quite simple once you learn them. Not only will knowing how to convert small numbers help you on your test, but it is also useful for financial calculations.
Move the decimal point two places to the left to convert a percent to a decimal. Unless otherwise noted, in a percent, the decimal point comes at the end of the last number. For example, envision that 75% actually looks like 75.0%. Moving the decimal point two places to the left converts the percent to a decimal. This is the same thing as dividing the number by 100. Examples: 75% converts to .75 3.1% converts to .031 0.5% converts to 0.005
--------- CONTENTS ---------
00:18 Move the decimal point two places to the left to convert a p...
00:52 Express the percent as a fraction of 100
01:34 Remove the percent sign
--------- CC LICENSE --------
Creative Commons license: Convert-Percents,-Fractions,-and-Decimals (wikihow & authors)
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