This video compares a visible light wide-field view (part of the Digitized Sky Survey 2) of the Milky Way’s central regions with a new near-infrared image taken with the HAWK-I instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope. The video starts by showing a visible light image of the Milky Way central regions, filled with vast numbers of stars. A moving slider then reveals that far more stars, hidden behind clouds of dust, are revealed when this region is observed in the near-infrared.
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Credit: ESO and Digitized Sky Survey 2 and ESO/Nogueras-Lara et al.. Acknowledgment: Davide De Martin and S. Guisard (
#Astronomy #MilkyWay #ESO
Space,Astronomy,Galaxies,Milky Way,Telescopes,Very Large Telescope,VLT,Observatories,European Southern Observatory,ESO,
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