We won the competition
Sandeep 1st - 317.5kg [total weight]
Me 2nd - 302.5kg
Jash 3rd - 297.5kg
This was a Open class competition
1. AISL contains 4 elements
- Strict muscleup
- Strict Pullup
- Parallel Bar Dip
- Back Squat
2. An athlete has to showcase his best lift (maximum weight ) - 1 Rep Max in each element
3. An Athlete will get 3 chances in each element. It is totally upto athlete if he wants to lift his max on first attempt or the third attempt
4. The Sum of total amount of weight lifted in each element ( his max successful) will be an Athlete's total.
5. The winner will be decided on the basis of SINCLAIR COEFFICENT.
Winner - Total points × Sinclair coefficent .
* SINCLAIR COEFFICIENT is a method to compare the different weight class in Olympic weight lifting. AISW will be using the same method to evaluate the winner *
Enjoy the vlog & get motivated
Do follow us on Instagram
Me -
Sandeep -
Jash -
Bomy -
Abhi -
Vicky -
Don't follow him. Subodh 😂 -
MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL - youtube.com/havithebeast
We already reached 25k+ subscribers thankyou all now I will upload a video on a weekly basis bought a new laptop in order to edit and provide all of u the best content.
Calisthenics in India is a growing sport and my aim through this channel is to spread these sports because calisthenics is a very good form of exercise that relatively doesn't need any equipment just your own body.
Neffex Grateful -
Convex - Home Soon (feat. Micah Martin) [NCS Release] -
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