
Psycho-Pass Drama CD - Counsel on Facing the Newcomer [Eng Sub]

Psycho-Pass Drama CD - Counsel on Facing the Newcomer [Eng Sub] This sound drama happened a few days before Akane joined Division 1, Ginoza and Kougami are sooo funny!!!

Counsel on Facing the Newcomer English Subtitles
Psycho-Pass Audio Drama - CID 24 Hours a Day
サイコパス ドラマCD 公安局刑事課24時

関智一(狡噛慎也 役)
野島健児(宜野座伸元 役)

Translations by: kumpillow

サイコパス,ドラマCD,Psycho pass,狡噛慎也,宜野座伸元,野島健児,関智一,Kougami,Ginoza,

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