
Several villages inundated as Cyclone Kyarr moves west | Headlines 12 AM | 29 October 2019 | AbbTakk

Several villages inundated as Cyclone Kyarr moves west | Headlines 12 AM | 29 October 2019 | AbbTakk Several villages inundated as Cyclone Kyarr moves west | Headlines 12 AM | 29 October 2019 | AbbTakk

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Abbtakk News,Abbtakk news live,abbtakk shows,headlines,live news,live show,Several villages inundated as Cyclone Kyarr moves west,Several,villages,inundated,as,Cyclone,Kyarr,moves,west,Cyclone Kyarr moves west,Several villages inundated,karachi thunderstorm 2019,karachi thunderstorm,karachi thunderstorm today,karachi thunderstorm map,karachi thunder,Headlines 12 AM,29 October 2019,

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