
HELMET SAFETY GAME CHANGER - Crumple Zones & Kinetic Polymer Alloy come to the Helmet Industry.

HELMET SAFETY GAME CHANGER - Crumple Zones & Kinetic Polymer Alloy come to the Helmet Industry. What if everything you thought you new about helmet safety was flawed science? Our past is behind us. Rigid, inflexible shell designs are not your friend under impact. Technology has proven that controlled flex and crumple zone technology is as important to motorcycle helmet design as to the automotive industry. Kinetic Polymer Allow (KPA) uses nanotechnology to blend aramid fibers with high-end polymers. It is a new material developed by LS2. It essentially gives you an aramid fiber shell encased in a light, yet strong polymer shell with managed flexibility. Along with crumple zone technology, it might be the future of helmet shell material, and helmet safety.

Motorcycle Helmet Safety,Helmet technology,LS2 Helmets,

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