
3 Things You Must Give Up to Manifest While You Sleep (You MUST Do This)

3 Things You Must Give Up to Manifest While You Sleep (You MUST Do This) You MUST Give Up these 3 Things In order to Manifest While You Sleep. Every single night before bed you have an INCREDIBLE opportunity to reprogram the subconscious mind. This video I'll show you EXACTLY what to do so you don't get left behind.

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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening

This video I'm going to be sharing with you 3 things you MUST give up if you want to manifest while you sleep. These are things that when I changed in my life.....when I gave up absolutely changed everything. It makes the manifestation process so much EASIER and I'm going to show you exactly what to do.

Welcome back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now on this video, I'm going to be sharing with you those three things that you must give up if you want to do what is called manifesting while you sleep.....understanding this way of powerfully impacting our subconscious mind.

We can do that as we're falling asleep at night, but how there's certain things you might be doing, you're not even aware of that you're doing that are stopping the process from happening just like that, Boom. It's like it could happen in your life.

You could be creating something that you want, but you're doing a couple of things that mess up everything, so part of manifesting while you sleep. Just to give you a refresher on the process of it. It has to do with understanding our subconscious mind.

So in general, we have a couple different brainwave states that we get into as we're falling asleep at night and that we're in in general right now watching this video, you're either in an Alpha state or a Beta state. Alpha Beta just simply means the alert states Betas, the more consciously aware.

It's like very aware type state. Uh, Alpha is a more relaxed state. A lot of times when you watch television, you will be in an Alpha state. That's why television can reprogram the mind because it's a little bit deeper of a brainwave state than Beta state.

But it states kind of like where you're really consciously like looking around. Sometimes people, most of the time when people are stressed out, they're in a Beta state. But what it does is the most, the most, I guess, aware, not the most aware, but the most, um, this, the Beta state is the most surface level conscious brainwave state.

Alpha state is the state that we get into when we start to relax a little bit. And when we meditate, listen to music, and then we have that of Theta state. That state is a deeper brainwave state that we tap into when we're very relaxed and when we're in meditation and when we're asleep or fallen asleep at night.

Then we have delta, which is the, the sleep state, the deep sleep state. So these four main vibrational brain states or the, you know, it's actually a scientific thing. You got Beta, Alpha, Theta Delta. What happens is, is as we grow up, we are primarily in a theta state. So as we grow up when we're young, what happens is we are absorbing information from our environment.

We are absorbing beliefs from our parents and we think that those are who we are and what happens, we develop a model for the way the world works. And then what happens is even later on in life, because then what happens is around eight to 12 years old, we moved from that data state into the Alpha Beta state. So then we're out of the direct influence of the subconscious mind.

What happens is, is then you may learn about the law of attraction. You may watch some videos and begin doing it, but you find that you come up with a lot of blocks. Well, that's because the subconscious mind is wired. Even though you consciously want something and the key is changing, the subconscious mind will manifesting while you sleep.

The ideas that I share in this video will help you to reprogram your subconscious mind. So what you do, and I have another video that I recently made on what is called the revision technique. The revision technique is extraordinarily powerful. It's from Neville, got art, who also wrote the book. The feeling is the secret.

It's a book that when I started to apply in my life, it changed so much. I was using it back when I worked at Barney's and women's shoes. And what happened was, is I would go to bed at night and I would.....

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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