
The Dishonest Steward and the obligations of Stewardship. Fr. Paul’s commentary on the parable.

The Dishonest Steward and the obligations of Stewardship. Fr. Paul’s commentary on the parable. In all four of the gospels, there are some parables that are difficult to understand, especially if we read it in the modern context. One of those is the parable of the dishonest steward, which you can find in the gospel of St. Luke 16:1-13. The master wants to do two things: 1. Ask the steward for a full accounting of his actions and then 2. Fire him! So before the steward lost his job, he called in his master's debtors ONE by ONE by ONE and reduced their debts. Ironically, his master proceeded to commended that dishonest steward for acting prudently".

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