
The premise to all study

The premise to all study In honor of the commencing of the new study cycle of the Rambam which is starting again this week, here are some thoughts on the first Law of the entire 14 books of the Rambam.

In this paragraph the Rambam redefines the defenition of "existence" and explains how this defenition is the founding premise, to all other premises specific to any study, this original premise is also the pillar that connects all wisdoms together and maintains that the wisdoms and technology's will remain useful just like a pillar stops the roof from caving down.

The Rambam explains that all things that exist require a real existence to maintain their temporary existence.

The existence is everything and everything is this existence.

Just like you can picture a green tree in your mind right now, this imagined green tree is in a different domain to your brain, it does not add or take away from your brain and it can not exist on its own outside your brain.

Everything is inside Him and He is inside everything.

What is the difference between the perspective of "He is everything and everything is Him"?

It the second perspective we recognize how everything in the world has value and teaches us something about the original existence, just like if you go into someone's bedroom you learn something about the owner even if you never met the person.

It turns out that every study is actually a study of this original existence.


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