The Siwan Gladiator is located to the southeast of the arena, near the Confiscated Stathmos. Make your way to the search area and then use Senu to locate Kensa near the obelisk.
Objective: Enter the Krokodilopolis Arena When You Are Ready
You can now return to Krokodilopolis Arena and speak with Felix to enter the arena. After entering the arena, follow Felix through the training area as he explains the rules before wanting to test your skills.
Objective: Spar with Kensa
Kensa is fairly agile and uses a regular sword and shield, but you can easily break her guard with charged heavy attacks or dodge to the side and strike her from behind. While you don't need to defeat Kensa to continue, as the fight will end when you reach low health, you should have no problem beating her if you play defensively.
Objective: Speak to Felix to Start the Match
While the objective is to begin the arena fight by speaking with Felix, you can actually speak with a few other people for some additional story dialogue - Kallistos in the alcove on the side of the hall, Kensa sitting on the floor nearby, and Horus near the doors to the arena. After the optional dialogue, you can speak with Felix to trigger a scene and enter the arena.
Follow Felix while he gives you a tour, and then spar with Kensa - she's not a particularly tough opponent and should only take a few blows to subdue. After the cutscene it's time for round one; there are a couple of people to talk to for a bit of background, and when you're ready to fight talk to Felix.
The first fight consists of three waves of basic soldiers. As long as you don't accidentally walk into one of the spiked poles in the arena this shouldn't prove too difficult. Once it's over talk to Felix to start the next bout.
Round two is a little tougher; in addition to the basic troops you'll be facing off against a couple of larger enemies equipped with heavy maces. There's a lion in a cage in the centre of the arena, but he'll only pose a problem if the cage gets damaged so try and keep clear of it whilst you're fighting.
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