Be sure to leave any questions or facts of your own in the comments, or even DM me on Twitter. Just know that if I find a question/fact interesting, I probably won't answer it in the comments, since I'll wanna save the answer for a new video. I'm not ignoring any of you, I see all of your comments
Also I again apologize for that screw up on my part regarding the crit spirits. You can see where my misunderstanding comes from though, right? Crit spirit, critical-health spirit… whoops! (This is why I don’t mess with spirits much... )
Stay casual!
Kurogane's website:
(note that Smash Ultimate is still a work in progress, so your character may not be complete yet)
OHKO's video that showcases that Zoom glitch:
Legend (Deltarune):
Corridors of Time (Chrono Trigger):
Treasure Town (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky):
Cloud Tops (The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap):
#SmashUltimate #NintendoSwitch #SmashBros #DragonQuest #Hero
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