I was lucky enough to develop my own candle with Wickety Wack, and i will pop all the details below on how you can purchase this.
Purchase the Avelina De Moray candle here:
Use code 'AVELINA' for 15% OFF your Wickety Wack order.
My Top 3 favourite Diffuser Oils:
1) Nag Champa
2) Thai Lime & Mango
3) Blueberry Muffin
Owl Diffuser:
Diffuser Oil Range:
Wickety Wack Candles:
5 Days after the release of this video (21/8/2019), I will pick one of the comments on this video as the winner of this giveaway. I will announce the winner in a comment, and pin it to the top so you can easily see who won. And i will also post the winner on Instagram on Tuesday the 21st.
Rules of Entry:
1) Comment on this video as way of entry. You must also include your Instagram username in the comment so i can contact you if you win. (For example: "I loved this video, I hope i win @my_instagram_username" ).
2) You must follow BOTH myself and Wickety Wack on Instagram. I WILL CHECK so no cheating.
Here are the accounts to follow:
My instagram:
Wickety Wacks instagram:
There is also a second competition running EXCLUSIVELY on instagram. Please head to my account and read My Wickety Wack post to enter this second comp.
The prize of this competition is the Avelina De Moray Candle. Two are being given away.
☥ Instagram:
☥ Facebook:
☥ My website & Online Store:
☥ Twitter:
Black Friday Collection:
Drac Makens Collection:
Mahafsoun Collection:
DeathCandy Coffin Wallet Collection:
Beatriz Marianos Handbag:
Ezme L.A Morte Handbag:
ReeRee Phillips Clutch:
I am also the singer of Goth band AS ANGELS BLEED
Follow my band here:
Facebook page:
Purchase our album on iTunes here:
Purchase a physical copy of our CD here:
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