
Defending Consumerism?

Defending Consumerism? Many believe that socialism is a struggle to overturn the market and that revolutionaries should attempt to deprogram the masses who have been suckered, brainwashed, and ultimately corrupted by cheap consumer goods. In this third episode of WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY author MK Hobson (Native Star- and Zero Books publisher and author Douglas Lain (Bash Bash Revolution- question this view as they explore and explain the topic of “Anti-Consumerism” while taking an excerpt from Swift’s “A Left For Itself”

WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY is a new monthly video series modeled on educational television programs like 3...2...1 Contact and Square One Television, only rather than explaining the natural sciences, WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY aims to explore Critical Theory of the Marxist variety.

Also Starring:

Noah Lain as the boy with his damn hat.

Zero Books Logo Animations and other animations donated by Brian Cole

Related Books

A Left for Itself: Left-Wing Hobbyists and the Rise of Identity Radicalism by David Swift

Adverts Cited

That’s Some Spicy Meatball by Alka Seltzer

Teach the World to Sing by Coca-Cola

Video and Music Clips from Storyblocks and the Prelinger Archive

Other Music Includes

Zero Squared Theme or “Untitled” by Nik Walton

An Acoustic version of Macintosh plus by The Guests

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Zero Books Manifesto:

The modern world is at an impasse. Disasters scroll across our smartphone screens and we’re invited to like, follow or upvote, but critical thinking is harder and harder to find. Rather than connecting us in common struggle and debate, the internet has sped up and deepened a long-standing process of alienation and atomization.

Zer0 Books wants to work against this trend.

Thorstein Veblen,Theodor Adorno,Frankfurt School,Anti-Consumerism,Karl Marx,Red Fox Vintage,Ikea,Andy Warhol,Pop Art,Starbucks,Godard,two or three things i know about her,Douglas Lain,MK Hobson,Zero Books,A Left For Itself,David Swift,critical theory,rethinking critical theory,late capitalism,capitalism,

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