
Varieties of Fascism - Reading 2B (The Myth of the 20th Century)

Varieties of Fascism - Reading 2B (The Myth of the 20th Century) Mention of the Reading in Part I -

This is the first person account reading of Part II of Varieties of Fascism by Professor Eugen Weber. Reading 2B is an excerpt written by Alfred Rosenberg who would prove to be among the top of, if not the primary, German Nazi ideological theoreticians. In this brief two-paragraph excerpt Rosenberg can be seen extolling that values of racial identity as a source of value that cannot be extricated from the soul of a man. Heavily identitarian, Rosenberg's comments push hard the idea that identity and value come hand in hand, not only in a valuable fashion but an inseparable one.

In the Narrator's opinion, much of the opinion found in this short passage seems eerily similar to the modern identitarian rationale and thought processes plaguing the western world at the time of this publishing.


In 1964, the world approached the twentieth anniversary of the end of the Second World War. Eugen Weber, a Romanian born, French-educated, British Veteran, and now American professor, sat down to take in the impact of socialism, fascism, and national socialism on the 20th-century world. Having served with the British during the Second World War, Eugen Weber was no stranger to the violent upheaval these ideologies had, and indeed are having.

In the Narrator's opinion, the compilation of this work is invaluable in a current atmosphere of domestic ideological cleavings. Writing nineteen years after the Second World War, a war which Professor Weber fought in, this work has topical adjacency to the real physical manifestations of such phenomena. Additionally, written in the early sixties, the work does not suffer the estrangement and misdefinition of the terms it seeks to educate on.

Legal disclaimer: The literary work narrated herein is governed in the U.S.A. by the Copyright Act 1909 (not 1976) and has since fallen into the realm of public domain. However, the narration and any associated images and recordings accompanying or connected with the audio-visual narration are the copyright by due effort and novation/innovation and creation of Western Narration and may not be reproduced, sold, or otherwise used in a manner that is inconsistent with the holder's proprietary rights without express written permission, no implied permission is to be taken as ever being issued.

Alfred Rosenberg,nazi,nazism,national socialism,fascist,fascism,nazi germany,varieties of fascism,eugen weber,audiobook,identitarian,identitarian politics,

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