They are all small events, but they are very important and heartwarming.
And I will sometimes raise serious issues.
In this series, I introduce such "Small Episodes".
Series "Snow Monkey's Episodes"
~Episode 027~
" New Alpha male Toami 00 and staff "
The status of the troop changed in April this year.
As Tomamu 95, who was the former Alpha male, has left the troop, Toami 00, who was the 2nd rank male, has been promoted to a new Alpha male.
Since Toami 00 was 2nd rank male, he was brave and showed leadership.
So we were expecting to him.
However once he became an Alpha male, his attitude changed a little.
He left the center of the troop and he often stayed alone at the end of the troop.
He seemed to have no confidence as an "Alpha Male".
In fact, such a thing happens frequently.
Males who are newly promoted to Alpha may be depressed without confidence.
Many of the males who have been promoted to Alpha for the first time have this experience.
We were worried about him.
A staff is calling Toami 00 while showing the apple.
A staff is in the center of the troop.
That is the place where Alpha male Toami 00 should be.
Now there is a 2nd male Tokei 95-05 and an alpha female Tokkuri 00 in its place.
Alpha Male Toami 00 is alone at the lower end.
A staff handed the apple to Alfa male Toami 00 in front of the superior monkeys.
The actions of the staff have an important meaning.
This is the message that "you are alpha of this troop".
It also has the meaning of showing to the superior monkeys in the surroundings.
"He's alpha of this troop"
This staff is the expert staff of this park.
His is experienced.
It is the action that the strong desire of this staff was put.
He is very concerned about Toami 00 than anyone else.
And a staff gave an apple to the 2nd male after that.
The order of giving the apples is important.
And a staff is giving an apple to the second male where it does not look at Alpha male.
This is also important.
However, Alpha Male's Toami 00 returned to the bottom again after receiving an apple.
It may take a long time for Toami 00 to have confidence as "Alpha Male".
However, the next day ...
I watched Toami 00 many times walking in the center of the troop.
His way of walking was full of dignity.
Please pay attention to his tail.
His tail is standing upright.
Only Alpha males can raise the tail high in the center of the troop.
He may have regained some confidence.
He is still young
He is the same age as Tokkuri 00.
I hope he will grow up to be a good Alpha male.
"Jigokudani Wild Snow Monkey Park" in Japan
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